English see below
Het is eindelijk weer zover! Laura, Efraim en Silver Deer zijn terug met geliefde soundhealings!
Eeuwenlang maken geluid en muziek deel uit van helende rituelen over de hele wereld. De tijd is gekomen om terug te keren naar geluid en naar ons lichaam te luisteren als een pad naar balans, genezing en zelfkennis.
Tijdens dit concert worden traditionele helende instrumenten zoals de Indiaanse sjamanistische drums, Tibetaanse klankschalen en de Aboriginal Didgeridoo verweven in een meditatieve muzikale reis samen met de stem om blokkades te doorbreken en balans te brengen in de energiecentra van het lichaam.
For centuries sound and music have been part of healing rituals throughout the world. The time to return to sound and listening to our bodies as a pathway to balance, healing and self-knowledge has come!
In this concert traditional healing instruments such as the Native American shamanic drums, Tibetan singing bowls, the Aboriginal Didgeridoo will be woven into a meditative musical journey together with the voice to break up blockages and bring balance to the energy centers of the body.
This session will be led by three music professionals with deep spiritual roots Laura Bohn, Efraim Schulz-Wackerbarth and Silver Deer. All are trained in the ancient wisdom of Paleolithic shamanism as taught by Chief Dancing Thunder of the Susquehannock North American Tribe.
* Laura is a professional Opera singer and Yoga teacher born in Seattle. She has studied world music, the voice and its role in the healing arts for more than 20 years. She teaches Yoga also at YogaToday at the Laurentiuschurch.
* Efraim was born in Australia, studied jazz drums at the Conservatory in Amsterdam and now works as a professional drummer and teacher
*Sjamaan Silver Deer
Nisa Silver Deer has her heart in making music (with the piano, shaman drums, singing, singing bowls, gongs and didgeridoo) and in guiding shamanic ceremonies (including the sweat lodge ceremony for 25 years). She really loves the Dreamtime Healing Concerts. Her intention is to bring the unheard into space, so that people can experience the infinite space from which they come. Healing takes place in the hands of this immensity.
In this approximately 90-minute-long lying-down concert we invite you to fully immerse yourself into the healing sounds from around the globe. Enter a sacred inner world where thoughts, concepts and emotions can flow freely and the mind-and body can find deep balance and relaxation.
This concert is meant for anyone who appreciates the healing power of music and sound.
Blankets, mats and pillows are available in space to lie comfortably.
Kijk hier naar een korte video om een impressie te krijgen van deze bijzondere Sound Healing>>